SIP SIMPLE Client SDK 0.34.0 release

Added by Adrian Georgescu over 11 years ago

There is new release with new presence related features and bug fixes.

python-sipsimple (0.34.0)

  • Added Bonjour presence
  • Added presence subscriber for itself to Account
  • Added SDPNegotiator class
  • Added ability to properly stringify SDPSession objects
  • Added ability to parse a SDPSession object from a string
  • Disable PJSIP assertions on recoverable errors
  • Removed extra checks on SDP origin field
  • Fixed deadlock when cross instantiating conditional singletons
  • Avoid sending adding participant progress if the answer is final
  • Avoid doing mDNS lookups with dnspython
  • Define nonzero for XCAP Document objects
  • Made AddressbookManager.transaction a class method

sipclients (0.34.0)

  • Raised python-sipsimple version dependency

To upgrade see
