Version 51 (Adrian Georgescu, 06/08/2014 05:12 pm) → Version 52/123 (Adrian Georgescu, 06/08/2014 05:13 pm)
h1. Microsoft Lync replacement checklist
Complete multimedia experience (audio, video, presence, chat, file transfer, screen sharing) interoperable with foreign SIP and XMPP domains.
h2. Client Side (Blink)
|_. Component|_. Mac OSX |_. Windows |_. Linux|_. Description |
| Presence| Yes | Yes | Yes | SIP SIMPLE RLS|
| Contact List | Yes | Yes | Yes | SIP SIMPLE XCAP|
| Audio| Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP Opus codec |
| Chat | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol|
| File Transfer | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol |
| Multimedia Conferencing | Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP and MSRP|
| NAT Traversal | Yes | Yes | Yes | ICE & MSRP Relay |
| Screen sharing | Yes | UD | UD | VNC over MSRP |
| Video | Yes | UD | UD | RTP H.264 codec|
| Brand-able | Yes | Yes | No | N/A |
| Packaging | DMG | Installer | .deb | N/A|
| Multi-language | Yes | No | No | N/A|
* N/A = not applicable
* UD = under development
Complete RFC and standards listed here
h2. Server Side (SylkServer)
|_. Component|_. Linux |_. Protocol |
| Multiparty Audio | Yes | RTP mixer|
| Multiparty Chat | Yes | MSRP Switch|
| Multiparty File Transfer | Yes | MSRP|
| Multiparty Video | No | Colibri|
| Conference Participants | Yes | RFC4575|
| XMPP gateway | Yes | "IETF STOX":|
Complete RFC and standards listed here
The Presence Agent (RLS) (RLS server) is provided by OpenSIPS, MSRP NAT nat traversal by MSRPRelay MSRP Relay and contact-list contact list by OpenXCAP. Ideally, these two components should be integrated in SylkServer the server side for zero-configuration deployment at customer premisses.
Complete multimedia experience (audio, video, presence, chat, file transfer, screen sharing) interoperable with foreign SIP and XMPP domains.
h2. Client Side (Blink)
|_. Component|_. Mac OSX |_. Windows |_. Linux|_. Description |
| Presence| Yes | Yes | Yes | SIP SIMPLE RLS|
| Contact List | Yes | Yes | Yes | SIP SIMPLE XCAP|
| Audio| Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP Opus codec |
| Chat | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol|
| File Transfer | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol |
| Multimedia Conferencing | Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP and MSRP|
| NAT Traversal | Yes | Yes | Yes | ICE & MSRP Relay |
| Screen sharing | Yes | UD | UD | VNC over MSRP |
| Video | Yes | UD | UD | RTP H.264 codec|
| Brand-able | Yes | Yes | No | N/A |
| Packaging | DMG | Installer | .deb | N/A|
| Multi-language | Yes | No | No | N/A|
* N/A = not applicable
* UD = under development
Complete RFC and standards listed here
h2. Server Side (SylkServer)
|_. Component|_. Linux |_. Protocol |
| Multiparty Audio | Yes | RTP mixer|
| Multiparty Chat | Yes | MSRP Switch|
| Multiparty File Transfer | Yes | MSRP|
| Multiparty Video | No | Colibri|
| Conference Participants | Yes | RFC4575|
| XMPP gateway | Yes | "IETF STOX":|
Complete RFC and standards listed here
The Presence Agent (RLS) (RLS server) is provided by OpenSIPS, MSRP NAT nat traversal by MSRPRelay MSRP Relay and contact-list contact list by OpenXCAP. Ideally, these two components should be integrated in SylkServer the server side for zero-configuration deployment at customer premisses.