
Version 70 (Adrian Georgescu, 06/09/2014 12:27 am) → Version 71/123 (Adrian Georgescu, 06/09/2014 12:31 am)

h1. Microsoft Lync replacement checklist

AG Projects was closely involved with menthor-ship, authoring and developing of software in the public domain for the specifications emerging of SIP SIMPLE and STOX IETF working groups. These software components implement SIP AG Projects has implemented all applications beyond VoIP that can complement existing complete a SIP deployments so that they can deployment to compete with rich-featureed commercial offerings, offering traditionally available only from closed vendors like Apple, Google and Microsoft.
These offerings typically provide
The software building blocks can be used to implement a complete multimedia rich communications experience with audio, presence, chat, file transfer, screen sharing, sharing and video and multimedia conferencing for all media. based on SIP protocol. An end-product based with these capabilities will compete at equal footing and a lower costs with Skype and Google Hangouts for residential customers and Microsoft Lync for corporate customers. customers, the later being the current focus.

h2. Client Side (Blink)

|_. Component|_. Mac OSX |_. Windows |_. Linux|_. Description |
| Presence| Yes | Yes | Yes | SIMPLE RLS|
| Contact List | Yes | Yes | Yes | XCAP protocol|
| Audio| Yes | Yes | Yes | Opus codec |
| Chat | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol|
| File Transfer | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol |
| Multiparty Conferencing | Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP and MSRP|
| NAT Traversal | Yes | Yes | Yes | ICE & MSRP Relay |
| Screen sharing | Yes | UD | UD | VNC protocol |
| Video | Yes | UD | UD | H.264 codec|
| Multi-language | Yes | No | No | N/A|

* N/A = not applicable
* UD = under development

Complete RFC and standards listed here

h2. Server Side (SylkServer)

|_. Component|_. Linux |_. Description |
| Multiparty Audio Conferencing| Yes | RTP mixer|
| Multiparty Chat Conferencing| Yes | MSRP Switch|
| Multiparty File Transfer | Yes | MSRP|
| Multiparty Video Conferencing | No | Colibri|
| Conference Participants | Yes | RFC4575|
| XMPP gateway | Yes | "IETF STOX":|

Complete RFC and standards listed here

Presence Agent (RLS) is provided by OpenSIPS, MSRP NAT traversal by MSRPRelay and Contact List by OpenXCAP. Ideally, these components should be integrated in SylkServer in case the solution should be deployed at customer premisses.