Version 44 (Adrian Georgescu, 06/08/2014 05:10 pm)
1 | 26 | Adrian Georgescu | h1. Microsoft Lync replacement checklist |
2 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
3 | 32 | Adrian Georgescu | Complete multimedia experience (audio, video, presence, chat, file transfer, screen sharing) interoperable with foreign SIP and XMPP domains. |
4 | 32 | Adrian Georgescu | |
5 | 27 | Adrian Georgescu | h2. Client Side (Blink) |
6 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | |
7 | 23 | Adrian Georgescu | |_. Component|_. Mac OSX |_. Windows |_. Linux|_. Protocol | |
8 | 25 | Adrian Georgescu | | Audio| Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP Opus codec | |
9 | 25 | Adrian Georgescu | | Presence| Yes | Yes | Yes | SIP SIMPLE RLS| |
10 | 25 | Adrian Georgescu | | Contact List | Yes | Yes | Yes | SIP SIMPLE XCAP| |
11 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | Chat | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol| |
12 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | File Transfer | Yes | Yes | Yes | MSRP protocol | |
13 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | Multimedia Conferencing | Yes | Yes | Yes | RTP and MSRP| |
14 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | NAT Traversal | Yes | Yes | Yes | ICE & MSRP Relay | |
15 | 28 | Adrian Georgescu | | Screen sharing | Yes | UD | UD | VNC over MSRP | |
16 | 28 | Adrian Georgescu | | Video | Yes | UD | UD | RTP H.264 codec| |
17 | 36 | Adrian Georgescu | | Brand-able | Yes | Yes | No | N/A | |
18 | 37 | Adrian Georgescu | | Packaging | DMG | Installer | .deb | N/A| |
19 | 35 | Adrian Georgescu | | Multi-language | Yes | | | | |
20 | 37 | Adrian Georgescu | |
21 | 30 | Adrian Georgescu | * N/A = not applicable |
22 | 30 | Adrian Georgescu | * UD = under development |
23 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | |
24 | 44 | Adrian Georgescu | Complete RFC and standards listed here |
25 | 44 | Adrian Georgescu | |
26 | 27 | Adrian Georgescu | h2. Server Side (SylkServer) |
27 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | |
28 | 23 | Adrian Georgescu | |_. Component|_. Linux |_. Protocol | |
29 | 43 | Adrian Georgescu | | XMPP gateway | Yes | "IETF STOX":| |
30 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | Multiparty Chat | Yes | MSRP Switch| |
31 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | Multiparty Audio | Yes | RTP mixer| |
32 | 20 | Adrian Georgescu | | Multiparty File Transfer | Yes | MSRP| |
33 | 33 | Adrian Georgescu | | Multiparty Video | | Colibri| |
34 | 1 | Adrian Georgescu | | Conference Participants | Yes | RFC4575| |
35 | 38 | Adrian Georgescu | |
36 | 44 | Adrian Georgescu | Complete RFC and standards listed here |
37 | 22 | Adrian Georgescu | |
38 | 31 | Adrian Georgescu | The Presence Agent (RLS server) is provided by OpenSIPS and contact list is provided by OpenXCAP. Ideally, these two components should be integrated in the server side for deployment at customer premisses. |