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Adrian Georgescu, 10/04/2009 01:29 pm

= SIP Software =

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This pages lists relevant software related to SIP SIMPLE functionality. SIMPLE stands for SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions a suite of [http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/simple-charter.html IETF standards] that enable the use of SIP protocol for features beyond basic voice over IP sessions.

SIP Clients
Blink http://wiki.iCanBlink.com SIP, MSRP, XCAP, RLS MacOSX fully featured SIP SIMPLE client
Ekiga http://ekiga.org SIP, MESSAGE Linux GUI
Twinkle http://twinklephone.com SIP, MESSAGE Linux GUI
SIP Communicator http://sip-communicator.org SIP, XMPP, MSRP roadmap Cross platform Java GUI
SIP SIMPLE client http://sipsimpleclient.com SIP, MSRP, XCAP, RLS Cross-platform client library, SDK, command line tools
Mercuro IMS http://www.mercuro.net SIP, MSRP, XCAP, RLS Fully featured GUI, Windows only
Eyebeam and Bria http://counterpath.com XCAP Cross-platform, fully featured GUI
SIP Servers


If you plan to offer a similar SIP SIMPLE service, you can setup your own SIP infrastructure using the following elements:

OpenSIPS SIP server http://opensips.org
OpenXCAP Presence policy server http://openxcap.org
MSRPRelay MSRP media relay http://msrprelay.ag-projects.com
SIP chatserver MSRP multi-party chat server http://chatserver.ag-projects.com
!MediaProxy RTP media relay http://mediaproxy.ag-projects.com
CDRTool Rating engine http://cdrtool.ag-projects.com
!CallControl Prepaid engine http://callcontrol.ag-projects.com

Or purchase a commercial solution like [http://www.ag-projects.com/content/view/36/1/ Multimedia Service Platform]

SIMPLE-Server.png (76.1 kB) Adrian Georgescu, 05/18/2009 09:23 am